HOW TO MANIPULATE ANYONE. Would you believe you can manipulate anyone within a moment? Many people find it hard because they simply don’t know the right way to do it. However, there are some tricks and techniques that make this unimaginable task possible.
You can persuade anyone, make them agree with you, and make them do what you want without any force.
Successful salespeople for big companies and even politicians are using these hacks to persuade people. It’s not magic, but science-based research principles that have been stored in our brains since very primitive times.

Humans have been outliving on this planet for more than thousands of years, and as time passed, humans got surrounded by more and more information that they could use to make a single decision. But accessing all the information would be energy- and time-consuming.
However, the human brain has figured out some awesome shortcuts for making decisions more quickly and effectively in the meantime.




These shortcuts can also be called triggers on the basis of which we do our regular activities because we don’t have much time or energy to process through all the information at a time and make a decision on the basis of facts and logic.
Therefore, we depend on these triggers more than any other era or time.
All of that occurs at our subconscious level, so we don’t understand.

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We make decisions on the basis of these triggers, with the help of which you can easily persuade others.



No.1) Scarcity
Humans are thoughtful about whether they are going to miss something out or not. That makes them think, which they might have never supposedly done.
For example, when a book gets banned, the number of readers for that book increases instead of decreasing. Surprisingly, many of the readers might never have read the book. Then why does that happen?
Parents want the best for their children. So they prohibit their child from doing things that might harm them. But often times, the child ends up doing that very thing.
Because this is human nature. From the very start, resources that were a must for living were limited. The necessary elements were scarce. Hence, our brain naturally developed more attraction towards limited features.
Even today, we are strongly affectionate towards things that have less availability.
Look at people around you or even at yourself. Aren’t we all trying to get something constantly? That can be anything. We don’t want the feeling of losing something due to our slow action either.

Because of this characteristic of ours, we take fast actions for limited things. By doing that, we make sure we are getting something that not everybody will get.
For example, companies try to make us want to buy their products by using this trigger. They make limited edition products to let us feel that they are very limited, and if we don’t take quick action, we might never get our hands on them.
Always remember that companies do make limited editions, but that doesn’t mean they are able to make more of that product.
Likewise, you will see in ads that they say, Get going soon, Don’t miss the chance, Offer is very limited, etc.




Scarcity is a very effective principle and can be used in every aspect of life.
It is said that you should not give too much attention to your crush at the beginning. Let your value increase in front of your crush so that you can avoid getting stuck in the friend zone. This example also falls under the principle.
Another big example is the ABC channel.
This interesting story is all about who will put a certain movie first on their channel among ABC, CBS, and NBC. But the question was, who would put the movie first? Not all of the channels can get to be the first, right?
So they agreed to do an auction for who would show the movie first. Therefore, that movie became very scary and essential.
In this scenario, all the channels had bid high. But at last, ABC got to win and bought the movie for 3.3 million, facing a 2 million loss. Big loss, right?
That is how far one can go to get rare stuff.
If you have ever seen an auction, you must have noticed people bidding over the weirdest and kinkiest stuff, spending millions.
This is because at that time people fight to get those things, which appear to them to be very precious and rare.



No.2) Liking
Pandas are cute. Their cuteness makes us fall in love with them irrationally. Billions of dollars are spent to make sure their existence will last long on this planet, which is great.
But unfortunately, the sad part is that there are many other species at risk of extinction, and saving some of the species is much easier and more important for our environment, the ecosystem, and humans themselves.
But still, to protect them, we are not getting enough money or resources. No one is helping.
The only reason is because they are not cute like pandas.
What I am trying to say is that we can do anything and everything for those whom we like a lot without even thinking rationally.
We easily get influenced by those we like.
For example, on Instagram, we follow those who appear to be very attractive in front of us; unconsciously, we even start copying them, or we start making decisions keeping them in mind.
I hope you get that liking has a powerful impact on our manners, actions, and decisions. So this principle has to be used in a correct and proper way.
By the way, your chances of persuading others get high when the other person already likes you.
Now the question arises: how will you make others like you?
You have to do just four things.


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1) Work on your appearance. Have a look at yourself in the mirror and find out how to make it better.
2) Try to smell good and take a shower regularly.
3) Be net and clean, and wear washed clothes.
4) Speak to others with a comfortable, genuine smile and be confident, not overconfident. And also, avoid bragging about yourself. Because that will make people immediately dislike you.




No.3) similarity
Having something in common makes people closer. So, whenever you meet a new person, try to search for similarities. Try to figure out what similarities you guys have in common related to opinions, interests, hobbies, personalities, or even backgrounds.



No.4) Compliment
You will hardly find people who dislike praise. People love to hear compliments, and it has an impact on their next step. They get confident in their actions.
It’s truly strange how people like it even after knowing that the other person is giving a fake compliment.
So just imagine what kind of impact a sincere compliment will have.
Here’s a tip. Try to compliment yourself on a daily basis in front of a mirror. That will make it easier for you to compliment others more sincerely. Besides, you will become more confident and attractive, which will make others like you more.





No. 5: Contact and cooperation
The amount of time we spend paying a visit and seeing people also makes us like them.
We like people who approach us regularly or from time to time.

No. 6: Conditioning and Association
Try to surround yourself with commendable things and people.
To us, models are elegant and attractive. Therefore, we like not only them but also the car placed behind them. Now you know why we find beautiful and gorgeous girls in every ad, from toothpaste to cars.




No. 7: Commitment and consistency
American soldiers were kept in Chinese soldiers possession at the time of the Korean War.
Chinese soldiers did everything, from interrogating them gently to torturing them hard, in order to get valuable insight from American soldiers. But all in vain.
This time they asked those American soldiers to write just one negative line daily about America, like America is not an ideal country, America has job problems, communism is not bad, etc.
Daily writing small bad things about America made some of them turn against the country, and finally, this principle worked.
Later, they supported and fought with China.
People want to be committed and consistent. Hence, I love this virtue in others.
If you ask someone to do a small favor, eventually they might end up taking big action for you. It all starts with something small.
In an experiment, people were asked to wear a cancer awareness button for one week. As this was a very small and harmless action, people agreed to wear it.

Later, the same people were asked to donate for the same motive.
It was amazing how those people didn’t only agree to donate; they actually donated more than others.
The reason behind this outcome was that a 1-week commitment to wearing that button and consistency made cancer fighting awareness a small part of them.
This outcome wouldn’t be possible if they had just been asked for help or a donation.
Likewise, you can use this principle to persuade people.



No.8) Authority
Nurses were told to do things in an experiment that were completely against hospital regulations. But still, nurses ended up completing all the acts without any objection or fear. You might be wondering why.
Because a doctor told them to do those things. The fun part is that the doctor was not even a real doctor. He was requested to act as a doctor so that the principle could be proven.
Since our childhood, we have been taught to obey our superiors. We are told to listen to them and act as they say without question because they know better than us.
When we are mature enough to take our own decisions, even then, we follow their commands. Why?
We think they have more experience and, hence, more knowledge. But this is not always true.

This principle triggers our brain in three ways.



1) Title,
Suppose you have a fever. Now a doctor comes and gives you some advice. After that, a normal person enters and gives you advice that is totally opposite from what the doctor said. Now, to whom will you listen?
Obviously, you will choose the doctor because, according to us, doctors are well educated in their field.
We wouldn’t judge if he is truly a good doctor or not. In simple words, he is a doctor; hence, he can solve my problem and nobody else can.





2) clothes:
Clothes are an important part of us. They make us who we are.
It’s proven that we give more importance to the people who wear uniforms or pious fabrics because we think they are of some value.
This is the reason behind TV commercials using dentists in a toothpaste ad or players in a power-boosting product ad: we easily get influenced by them, even if they are fake.

3) Trapping: things that add to our identity and give definition to our authority.
such as badges, jewelry, costly suits, cars, etc.
We get a hint from these things about whether to obey the person or not.
Just go to a five-star restaurant without associating yourself with luxury and see what happens.


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So try to be in a way that others value you.
Again, have you ever seen big companies showing firefighters, doctors, or police in their ads to sell their products? This also falls under this principle.
Even you can manipulate people by using trapping titles or authority, whether yours or others.

I have explained eight triggers in this video from the book The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini. We will discuss another eight parts of this fact in our next video.

Like always, if you enjoyed it, be sure to give us a big thumbs up and leave us some love in the comments section. To stay up-to-date with all of our awesome videos, be sure to hit subscribe and turn your notifications on to never miss a thing. Until next time, do take good care of yourself.

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