Most Dangerous Special Elite Forces in the World

Everybody loves the men and women in uniform. Is it the power they ooze, the machines, or the secrecy surrounding their existence and operations? Speculation is rife. Action and thriller movies have been done. But elite special forces from the world’s power houses, continue to evolve in covertness, human capability, armory, precision, and speed of execution. Hold your breath as we will explore the top 20 most elite Special Forces in the world. 1. Britain’s Special Boat Service “By Strength and Guile” is the motto of the Royal Navy’s Special Boat Service. This is one of United Kingdom’s most secretive and elite military units. The SBS is the UK’s equivalent of the US Navy SEALs. The selection process for the elite warrior team has a 90% failure rate. It involves a grueling 4-week endurance test that grows increasingly challenging and concludes with a 25-mile march in 20 hours. 2. Polish GROM In 1990, this special force unit was organized after Operation Bridge, a mission to help Soviet Jews enter Israel. The term stands for Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego which means Group (for) Operational Maneuvering Response. Intelligence reports indicated a significant Hezbollah threat in the area, so the elite counter-terrorist force was approved. It remained a secret from the public until 1994, when they were deployed to Haiti for Operation Restore Democracy. GROM performs rescue operations including hostage recovery, as well as counter-insurgency missions. 3. Delta Force This is the U.S. Army’s Special Forces unit. With Army Rangers and Green Berets among its numbers, it also has operators from the Navy and Air Force. Throughout its short history, it has maintained its superior ability to capture or terminate high value targets, dismantle terrorist cells, and conduct covert missions in any area of operation. Most of the missions executed by Delta Force remain classified, and it’s rare to find an official document that even acknowledges the unit exists. One of this US Special Forces’ most notable accomplishments includes Operation Red Dawn, the capture of Saddam Hussein. 4. France’s National Gendarmerie Intervention Group This elite Special Force is one of the world’s most combat-experienced counter-terrorist organizations. Placed between a SWAT team and Delta Force, the French GIGN responds to terrorist threats or domestic attacks. The enemy has evolved, and so too has the GIGN. Their mission is to get access to the scene of an attack as quickly as possible, then capture or terminate the assailants before they can inflict more carnage. Their training program is notoriously brutal and lasts fourteen months, if recruits can make it that long. One documentary team followed a group of potential recruits and saw 120 of them whittled down to 18 in two weeks. 5. U.S. Navy SEALS These gold squadrons are among the finest special operations forces in the world. The competitive standard to even be considered for Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training is to swim 500 yards in 10 minutes, 30 seconds; do 79 push-ups; 79 sit-ups; 11 pull-ups; and a 10 minutes, 20 seconds 1.5-mile run. That’s just to get in. Preparation to become a SEAL consists of Basic Underwater Demolition, Parachute Jump School, and SEAL Qualification Training. The steps have all been described lightly as “brutal”. The wannabe SEALs then do another 18 months of pre-deployment training. These elite special forces deliver highly precise, intensely challenging tactical capabilities including direct action warfare, special reconnaissance, counterterrorism, and foreign internal defense. 6. Taiwanese Armed Forces The Airborne Special Service Company, alternatively known as the Liang Shan Special Operations Company, is a Special Forces unit belonging to the Republic of China Army. With a military budget 13 times the size of Taiwan’s, China now has more than one million ground troops, according to Pentagon estimates. Taiwan’s military has shrunk from 275,000 to 187,660 active-duty soldiers in 2011. 7. Special Forces Ukraine The size of Ukraine’s armed forces, which maintains a 255,000 man force, is the third-largest in Europe after the Russian and French Armed Forces. It was reported that Ukraine’s military swelled to 280,000 personnel. This special force was perhaps the nation’s most well-known Spetsnaz unit and served under the Ministry of Internal Affairs until its dissolution in 2014. 8. Danish Special Forces The Danish Special Forces personnel are highly specialized troops trained for unconventional warfare and non-standard reconnaissance missions. Selection and training processes for Danish Special Forces are incredibly rigorous due to the interdisciplinary nature of the job. The Danish Special Forces units are well known in the intelligence, military, and naval communities for their advanced capabilities. Are you overwhelmed, or can you face the more elite top 10 forces? #UltimateFact #Facts #SpecialForces

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