30 Prehistoric Animals That are Still Alive Today

Most of the species from the Earth’s 4.5-billion-year history are now extinct. Have you’ve ever wondered what life was like during the time of the dinosaurs? You’ll be amazed to learn that some of the animals that lived back then, never became extinct. Here is a list of top 30 prehistoric species that are still alive today. 1. Lampreys Although these prehistoric creatures have an eel-like appearance, they are actually jawless fish. They’ve got one of the most frightening mouths in the entire animal kingdom. The orifice has a funnel shape that contains sharp teeth used to bore into the flesh of their prey to eat the blood. Only certain species engage in that behavior. Their fossils have been dated back 360 million years and they seem to have evolved very little in that time. 2. Horseshoe Crab These arthropods also managed to outlast the dinosaurs. Experts have indicated the crabs date back some 450 million years. The Horseshoe Crab has pretty much remained unchanged since then. The strange-looking creatures have a hard carapace that protects their body. While they resemble crustaceans, they belong to a different subphylum. You’ll be amazed to know that these critters have a total of 10 eyes. Wait, there’s more. Horseshoe Crabs have blood. The ultimate fact is Horseshoe Crab blood is used by the pharmaceutical industry to detect bacteria on new devices such as pacemakers and vaccines. 3. Vicuña One prehistoric animal known for its fiber is the vicuña, the ancestor of the modern-day alpaca. The two animals look very similar indeed, though vicuñas have a distinctive color pattern. They have a white underside and a brown saddle across their bodies. The wild ancestors of the alpaca are native to South America. The family Camelidae first appeared in the Americas 45-40 million years ago. Fortunately, thanks to the work of many dedicated conservationists, there are hundreds of thousands of vicuñas in the wild today. 4. Coelacanth It was once believed that these rare fish joined the extinct animal list some 65 million years ago. However, in 1938, they were re-discovered off the coast of South Africa. It turned out this animal was even more resilient than originally thought. Through this discovery, experts believe the earlier Coelacanth evolved into the current form 400 million years ago. The fish has an intracranial joint, a hinge in its skull that allows it to open its mouth extremely wide to consume large prey. For this amazing fact, the animal makes the top 20 list. 5. Ctenophores These rare wild animals showed up some 700 million years ago. They propel their gelatinous bodies through the water using rows of cilia, or combs. Biologists claim these are some of the oldest known creatures, which means humans could have descended from them. I hope we enjoy the same longevity as this so called living fossil. Another Redditworthy and educational story. 6. Gharial Crocodiles, caimans and alligators are ancient species, and they look the part. But the gharial crocodilian species, sometimes called a gavial, would beat them all in a prehistoric beauty contest. Gharials, in one form or another, have been around for tens of millions of years. The modern gharial is the last remaining species of this lineage. This too is heading towards extinction, with fewer than 200 individual reproductive gharials left in the wilds of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Let me safely walk you through the top 10 prehistoric creatures that are still alive. 7. Chinese Giant Salamander Salamandroides was the first species of Diplocaulus to be discovered. With the head of a stealth and the body of a salamander, the Diplocaulus was an unusual creature that roamed ancient waterways even before dinosaurs appeared. The triangular skull helps this creature race through water at top speed. An amphibian, this ancestor of modern salamanders, could also slog through muddy swamps with its short legs. The Chinese Giant Salamander, which is an estimated 170 million years old, is also the largest amphibian in the world. It can grow up to 110 pounds in weight and six feet in length. 8. Whale Shark The name “whale shark” is a bit of a misnomer. This animal is not a whale at all; in fact, it is the largest shark the largest fish, even in the world. What’s more, it’s been swimming around the ocean for at least 28 million years. These gigantic sharks can be found all along the equator, but seeing them isn’t as simple as their presence suggests. Since these animals are endangered, finding them even while out on the water is a tall order. Give one thumbs up for the shark and another for the whale shark! Stick around for the top 5 prehistoric creatures that are still alive. Which one did you find most amazing? What would happen if all prehistoric creatures had survived extinction? Share your thoughts in the comments section. #UltimateFact #Facts #Prehistoric

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