Top 12 extra ordinary people who can remember their past life.

Top 12 extra ordinary people who can remember their past life. The concept of reincarnation has been around for hundreds, if not thousands, of years in many religions. However, people believe that the soul has no memory of its past life. Scientists who have studied the phenomenon found that 100 percent of cases occurred in young children. You will be shocked to know that some of these children have detailed memories that actually match up with historical events. Often, they know things that such young children would never have reason to know or even have had the chance to learn.


Boriska Kipriyanovich

In 2008, Boriska was thrown into the spotlight for being a genius at such a young age. but he also lived a past life on Mars. He was the subject of a documentary called Boriska Indigo Boy from Mars. He told the public that he was seven feet tall and that his civilization was affected by conflict and catastrophe. He was also a Martian pilot, and he traveled to Earth. Apparently, he was traveling to where he would be reborn in 1996. Boriska also said that he breathed carbon dioxide on Mars as well.


Top 12 extra ordinary people who can remember their past life. Read More


Shanti Devi

Shanti Devi, born in Delhi, India, in 1926, began to remember her previous life at age 4. She told her parents that her real home was with her husband in Mathura, and she even tried to run away to Mathura at the age of six. She told her teacher that she had died 10 days after giving birth and that her husband’s name was Kedar Nath. Growing up in Delhi, after some time, they found a man of that name in Mathura who confirmed that his wife, Lutie Devi, had died 10 days after giving birth to their son.


Kamryn mccauley

The case of Kamryn McCauley, a boy from Glasgow, saw him remembering his past life from the age of 2. He stated that he had lived on bara. A very modern island to which he had never been and missed his mother. His previous life mother suffered so badly that he was genuinely distressed. For 3 years, all he talked about was his home on Barra and mentioned that his father had been called Shane Roberts. And that he was killed when hit by a car. Eventually, his parents and an ocumentary crew took him to Barra. The details he remembered were truly amazing. He remembered the color of his house. The breed of his dog and the view from his window.


Thomas Nolan

At the age of 4, Thomas showed signs that he was a reincarnated firefighter from the World Trade Center. when he was asked what he wanted to be when he grew up. Thomas said that he wanted to be anything but a firefighter because he already did that. He could also describe specifically what a firefighter did and recall personal experiences. When he saw a picture of the World Trade Center in a magazine, he said that bad men burned the buildings and that he tried to help but couldn’t. Thomas was able to recount specific moments during the World Trade Center event with such detail that she had to dig through specific interviews to confirm Thomas’s story.


Chanai Choomalaiwong

Born in Thailand, Chanai began to tell his parents at age 3 that he had in fact been a teacher called Bua Kai and that he had been shot and killed as he rode his bike to school one day. He begged his shocked parents to take him to a specific village where Bua Kai’s parents lived because he felt they were his own parents. Eventually, his grandmother took him and stated that he immediately led them to a house where an elderly couple lived. He seemed to immediately recognize what was really strange about them.


James Leininger

James was born in 1998, and at the age of 2, he pointed to a picture of Ieo Jima and told his shocked parents that this was where his plane had been shot down. They did some research and found that only one plane was shot down over on Ieo Jima during the Second World War. And it was flown by American pilot lieutenant James Houston Jr. His parents eventually tracked down members of Lieutenant Houston’s crew, now elderly men. And these veterans confirmed that the things James Leininger said were 100% true and frighteningly accurate.



A boy from the midwest Ryan began having terrible nightmares at the age of four. When he turned five, he told his mother, Cindy, that he used to be someone else and began begging her to take him home to Hollywood. He remembers detailed meetings with people such as Rita Hayworth. And he even remembered that the street he had lived on had the word rock in it. Cindy checked out at her local library, and there they found a picture of the men that Ryan said he had once been with. In desperate need of help, Cindy hired a psychiatrist who began to research Ryan’s case. After two weeks, they found out that the man in the photo was a movie actor called Marty Martin. All of the details Ryan had given about his past life matched up.


The Polla Twins

The Polla twins, Gillian and Jennifer, appeared to be the reincarnations of their own deceased sisters, Jacqueline and Joanna. Who died a year before the twins were born. Their father noticed that Jennifer had a white line on her head similar to a scar Jacqueline had received after falling off of her bike. She also had an identical birthmark on her leg. The family left town for four years, and when they returned, the twins claimed to have visited landmarks they had never even seen.



PM was born twelve years after the death of his half-brother. His half-brother had died of neuroblastoma at the age of two. He had suffered a pathological fracture of his left tibia and had received a biopsy of a nodule on his scalp just above his right ear. And he was given chemotherapy through a central line in his right external jugular vein. PM also had neuroblastoma. Which left him practically blind in his left eye. Which was strange as his brother had been entirely blind in his left eye when he died. Furthermore, at p.m., he began to speak to his mother about the previous family home. And described it in great detail.


Sam Taylor

And finally, there is the strange case of Sam Taylor. Who seems to have been a reincarnation of his own grandfather. Sam’s grandfather died just 18 months before Sam was born. And though he showed signs of past life memories at a young age, his parents were very skeptical. That is, until Sam told his father that when I was your age, I used to change your diapers. Furthermore, Sam began to tell his parents things about his grandfather’s private life that he couldn’t possibly have known. Weirdly, they were all true. Think about that one for a while.


Top 12 extra ordinary people who can remember their past life. Read More


Joey Verway

Joey Fareway could actually remember not just one, not two, but her past 10 lives. When she was just three years old, she was telling her parents about these amazing stories of her past lives. Joey’s earliest past life was 200 million years ago. when she was a humanoid cave dweller. She also remembered living life as a slave in Egypt. At one moment, she also remembers wearing a heavy veil and watching an elephant carry a princess. Another past life includes being a persecuted Christian in ancient Rome under Emperor Nero’s rule.


Barbara Karlen

Barbara Karlen got her place in the spotlight when she was just 12 years old. and it wasn’t for her past-life case but for a book of poetry she wrote that was published in Sweden. At the age of two, she was having intense nightmares. Barbara believed that she was living in two, and she strongly believed that she was Anne Frank. At the time, the Diary of Anne Frank had not been translated into Swedish. When she was 10 years old, she led her parents to the Anne Frank house. Despite having no previous knowledge of the home’s location, Barbara got heavily involved in the Anne Frank Foundation and even met members of Frank’s family.





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