15 amazing coincidences that happened in the world

15 amazing coincidences that happened in the world . Coincidences happen in everyone’s life, and we’re used to treating them as irrelevant incidents. Well, anything can happen. Life is quite unpredictable, but sometimes these very coincidences turn out to be so amazing, funny, or even shocking that you can’t help but wonder. Anyway, all these examples deserve your attention.




James Dean’s Bad Luck Car
In 1955, Dean was killed in an awful car accident while driving in his Porsche. The car was towed to a garage for repair. There was a mechanic working on the car, and the engine slipped out and shattered both of his legs. Years later, a doctor bought the engine to put in his racing car. He died shortly after while racing in the car. Years later, the garage where James Dean’s car was taken to be repaired was destroyed in a fire. The car was still mostly intact, though, and it was sent to Sacramento to show off. Unfortunately, it fell off its mount and broke a teenager’s hip. Later, the trailer that the Porsche was mounted on was in Oregon, and it slipped from its tow bar and smashed into a storefront. Finally, in 1959, the car broke into 11 mysteriously while it was sitting on steel supports. The cursed car no longer exists.




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Hugh Williams, perpetual shipwreck survivor

There have been millions of shipwreck casualties throughout history. In 1660, when a ship sank in the Dover Straits, there was only one survivor, a man named Hugh Williams. In 1767, another ship sank in the same area, and the only survivor was another man named Hugh Williams. A ship capsized in 1820 on the Thames; the only survivor on that ship was also named Hugh Williams. In 1940, a ship was destroyed by a German mind. Of all the people on board, only two survived: a man named Hugh Williams and his nephew, who was named after him, Hugh Williams.





Finding love at Woodstock
Most people don’t expect to find the love of their lives at a music festival based on what happens at these events. One of the most famous music festivals in history was Woodstock. The couple in this photo met there; they spent the entire festival together. The relationship continued, and eventually they got married. Today, they are still together, and they recently celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary. There have been plenty of books written about Woodstock, and the couple’s first photo together just so happened to be on the cover. Next time you go to a music festival and you think that there’s just no way you’re going to meet the one big again




The JFK and Lincoln coincidence
America has two presidents who were loved by all: John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846, and John F. Kennedy was elected exactly a century later, in 1946. Lincoln won his election in 1860, and his inauguration was in 1861. John F. Kennedy won his election in 1960, and his inauguration was in 1961. Both presidents had a vice president and a successor named Johnson. Both men were shot in the head in front of their wives, and both were shot on a Friday.




A bullet kills its intended victim years later.
In 1883, a man named Henry Ziegland was shot at. The bullet only grazed his face and lodged into a tree. Years later, Ziegland wanted to see the place where he was almost killed. He took a few sticks of dynamite and believed that blowing up the tree would be the best way to get the bullet out. When the tree exploded, the lodged bullet in the tree propelled from the tree and shot Ziegland in the head, killing him instantly. It’s very creepy that the very bullet that was meant to kill Ziegland all those years before eventually did.




Message in a bottle competition
In 2006, a man named Mark Anderson found a message in a bottle that was 92 years old. He earned a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records for finding the oldest message in a bottle. He was very proud of his accomplishments and often bragged them to his friends and fellow fishermen, Andrew Leever. After six years, Andrew Leever was working as a skipper on the copias off the Scottish coast when a message in a bottle floated right by him. The message was that, at 98 years old, he took his friend’s spot in the record books.


Destined to be together
It’s not uncommon for a random person to pop up in the background of a family photo. If you look at this photo, it looks like a picture of a family enjoying their vacation, and the man in the photo happens to be at the same place at the same time. The random man in this photo married the woman on the left seven years later. At the time the photo was taken, they didn’t even know each other. It wasn’t until they were already engaged that they realized that they were at the exact same place at the exact same time.




Same photo, same age, same place
When a man and his wife were married, they started going through their old family photos. It was then that they discovered that they each took the same photo at the age of 10 at Hersheypark. They didn’t meet on that day. They were 30 years old when they met. But they were shocked that they both took the same family vacation photo and that they were the same age when they did so.




Same name, same hotel
In the late 1950s, a man named George D. Bryson checked into the Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. He signed the register and took the key to room 307. After being out at a business meeting, Mr. . Bryson went to the receptionist to see if he had any mail waiting for him. The receptionist gave him a letter that was addressed to Mr. . George D. Bryson, room 307. When he opened the letter, he realized that it was not for him; it was actually for the man who had just checked out of room 307 before Mr. . Bryson checked in. The two men had the exact same name and the exact same room number.




A man saves falling babies twice.
In 1937, a mother was standing in the window of a fourth-story building in Detroit when she accidentally dropped her baby. Luckily, there was a man below named Joseph F. Lock working below. When the infant fell from the sky, it hit him in the head and shoulders. A year later, another mother was in a high-rise building when she allowed her two-year-old son, David Thomas, to fall from the window. Ironically, Fig Lock was working on the ground beneath the window, sweeping an alley. When the child fell, Fig. Lock was struck in the hand. Both he and the child survived. What are the odds of a man being in the right place at the right time two years in a row?


Spooky number
15 virtual twins died and were born on the same day the founder of Ferrari died in 1988. The same year, footballer Messin Özil was born. What is strange is that these men are identical. Some wandering Enzo Ferrari was reincarnated as Mesut özil.


That first dance
In the photo on the left, you can see a boy and a girl dancing together. Neither one of them looks all that happy about it. At the time, they had no idea that one day they would be dancing at their own wedding. It’s crazy how you can find love in a place where you least expect to. It’s adorable how these two met as kids and then found each other again as adults. Today, they are much happier to be together than when they were dancing as children.



Left-handed presidential coincidence
Only ten percent of Americans are left-handed. But of the last 14 US presidents, more than half of them were left-handed. This includes five out of the last seven. Over the past 20 years, almost every presidential candidate has been left-handed. In 2008, John McCain and Barack Obama were left-handed. In 1992, all three of the candidates who were running were left-handed.


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The Deus Ex Twin Towers
In 2000, a PC game was created called Deus Ex. When the Skybox artist was creating the game, he forgot to add the twin towers to the New York City skyline. They decided to say that a terrorist attack was responsible. When they created this explanation, there is no way that they knew that a year later, a real terrorist attack would take down the towers.



Two brothers killed on a moped
In 1975, a man was riding a moped in Bermuda when he was struck by a taxi and then killed. A year later, the man’s brother paid to have the moped that his brother was killed on repaired. The day he finished repaying the repair fees, he took it out for a ride. Sadly, he was also struck and killed. The crazy part is that the man was struck and killed by the same taxi driven by the same driver.


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